the Bulletin |
Vol. XLV, No. 25 |
College Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Buffalo State College Council will be 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 14 in Cleveland Hall 518.Approval of Minutes: November 17, 1999
Facilities Development
Governmental Relations/Advocacy
Student Affairs
Program Revision:
Academic Convocation
All members of the college community are invited to attend this ceremony and the informal reception afterward to honor the achievements of our outstanding students and their faculty members. All College Honors Recruitment
Applications are available from Allison Armusewicz in the Admissions Office, Cleveland Hall 206. Application deadline is Friday, March 24. Please think of students who might be encouraged to apply. For further information, contact Andrea Guiati, honors program coordinator, at ext. 6220 or guiatia@buffalostate.edu.
New Databases at Butler Library
Connect to the Web version of Books in Print to access more than three million records of bibliographic information on books, audio cassettes, video tapes, and full-text reviews. This database is available only on the Buffalo State campus.
Search these databases from the Online Resources link on the E. H. Butler Library homepage: www.buffalostate.edu/library.
WNY Hospitality Ambassador Awards
Hospitality Ambassador Award Recipients 2000
Jeremy M. Jacobs Jr., executive vice president
Janet R. Overdorf, Ph.D., R.D., interim director
Hospitality students will host the awards reception, "Millennium Masquerade," Thursday, March 16 in the Sports Arena. Contact the Nutrition, Hospitality, and Fashion Department at ext. 5913 for details or reservation information.
Nutrition Seminar
Dr. Christopher Sempos, director of graduate studies in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University at Buffalo, will conduct the seminar. Sempos is internationally recognized for his research in nutritional epidemiology and public health surveillance. He will discuss the use of national health and nutrition examination surveys to identify current trends in food and nutrient consumption and the association between diet and disease.
Alive & Well March Programs
Bring your lunch (and a friend) and make the commitment to start today. Your long-term health depends on it! Registration is required; contact Alive and Well at ext. 5109 or odonnelj@buffalostate.edu.
Caring for Seniors Lunch Group
Be a Fat-Detective Degree Audit System Presentations
Technology-Fee Projects Funded
A summary of expenditures by area, detailed descriptions of projects, and historical data on Tech-Fee expenditures can be found on the campus Web page at www.buffalostate.edu/infotech/tfp.html. Direct questions about the Tech Fee data to Ted Schmidt, ext. 4104 or schmidtp@buffalostate.edu.
SABRE Presentations Individual Development Awards (formerly PDQWL)
The total award amount to be distributed by the Campus Professional Development Committee is $27,718.
When reviewing applications, the campus committee will consider whether or not the proposed activity will enable the applicant to meet one or more of the criteria (ae) specified in Article XII, Titles A, B, or C of the Policies of the Board of Trustees concerning employees' evaluations and promotions. In addition, the campus committee shall give preference to part-time employees for a minimum of 15 percent of the available funds if sufficient applications are received.
Only one application will be accepted and only one project or activity may be funded per employee.
Award Period
Application Procedure
Please provide details about anticipated or actual travel expenses using the Travel Estimate Format (airfare, hotel, ground transportation, tolls, etc.) based on actual state reimbursement rates, available from the Accounting Office, Cleveland Hall 414.
Along with the completed application, the applicant must submit the following information:
Application Deadline
Campus Committee
Leadership Program for Women in Higher Education
The conference fee is $45 and includes a luncheon. For additional information and registration materials, contact Carolyn Morris-Hunt at ext. 4318 or Maryruth Glogowski at ext. 6314. NYS Industries for the Disabled Inc.
Departments are encouraged to purchase NYSID products, including file boxes, screened T-shirts, staplers, offset paper, three-ring binders, examination books, and more than 100 other products. A catalog is available from the Purchasing Department or online at www.nysid.org. College Senate Meeting Curricular Items
Program Revision:
New Courses:
CTE 402 Assessment Techniques in Career and Technical Subjects.This course is an overview of assessment in classroom, laboratory, internship, and clinical situations. Principles of effective assessment include different approaches and methods of assessment, evaluation, and testing techniques. Portfolio development, reflective journals, authentic and performance assessment, and objective testing, as applicable to career and technical subjects, are addressed.
CTE 435 Curricular Problems of Career and Technical Schools. This course is designed to help teachers and administrators understand the basic principles and foundations of curriculum development for trade and technical programs. Attention will be given to the technological, sociological, and educational factors that effect change in curriculum. Consideration will be given to the purpose and character of occupational analysis and its function in curriculum development. The integral parts of a curriculum will be described, along with the newer concepts of curriculum programs and materials. Particular attention will be given to the curricular problems of teachers and administrators in their individual schools.
CTE 479 Postsecondary Instruction Practicum. This course provides a part- or full-time teaching assignment in a career-technical education program at the postsecondary level. This field experience is designed to provide the student teacher with the opportunity to develop and refine skills and understandings of the teaching-learning process as related to career-technical teaching under the guidance and supervision of college faculty.
CTE 489 Industrial Trainer Practicum. This course provides a part- or full-time assignment in a business or industrial training program. This field experience is designed to provide the student with opportunities to develop and refine skills and understanding of occupational training practices under the guidance and supervision of business and industry training personnel and college faculty.
CTE 492 Occupational Practicum. This course provides advanced specialization development for students with prior occupational experience, such as on-the-job upgrading, occupational workshops, and inservice institutes. May be taken more than once by advisement.
MUS 333 Choral Conducting. A course in the fundamentals of rehearsing, developing, and conducting choirs for students with choral and vocal background. Observation of rehearsals and performance of choral ensembles outside the college may be required. Required for all music education majors.
Curricular Approval
I have approved the following program revision, which has been recommended by the appropriate dean, the College Senate, and the provost and vice president for academic affairs:
Speech-Language Pathology (0325 and 6322)
The 2000 Academic Honors Convocation will be held during Bengal Pause Thursday, April 27 in Rockwell Hall Auditorium. (Please note the change of date.) Faculty who attend as guests of honors students are encouraged to wear their academic attire and sit with their students. Department representatives who will participate in the processional should wear their academic regalia. The deadline to submit orders to rent regalia from the college store is Monday, March 13.
The All College Honors Program hopes to recruit three or four current freshmen to the program in September 2000. Selected students are eligible to receive scholarship funding of $1,000 per semester for their first two semesters in the program and $500 per semester for the following four semesters. Eligibility is contingent upon participation in honors program courses and activities, and maintenance of a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
At the time of application, students must be freshmen at Buffalo State and have at least a 3.5 GPA in letter-grade courses. Students must have had a high school average of 90 or higher and must have been in the top 10 percent of their high school class. High school requirements may be waived for students who have been out of high school for more than five years.
E. H. Butler Library recently has acquired two important online resources: Dialog@CARL offers hundreds of databases, many containing the complete text of journal and newspaper articles. Divided into 17 major topic areas, Dialog@CARL provides research assistance on a comprehensive range of subjects.
The hospitality administration program in the Faculty of Applied Science and Education is pleased to announce the recipients of the Western New York Hospitality Ambassador Award. Each year, the program recognizes industry leaders who have made significant contributions in the hospitality field and have demonstrated service to the Western New York community. The program's advisory board played an integral role in the identification of nominees and selection of honorees.
Marguerite D. Hambleton, president and CEO
AAA Western and Central New York
Delaware North Companies
Southtowns Nutritional Services Department
Buffalo Mercy/OLV Hospitals
In celebration of National Nutrition Month, the dietetics programs of the Nutrition, Hospitality, and Fashion Department are sponsoring a free seminar, "Diet and Disease: How Do We Go about Studying It?" from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 28 in Caudell Hall 219.
Healthy Steps to Good Nutrition
Monday, March 13
Noon1:00 p.m.
Cleveland Hall 418
March is National Nutrition Month, and Independent Health will help us get back on the road to nutritional eating. Sometimes we all need a little reinforcement. Information is the first step in making healthy food choices; the second is a reevaluation of our current eating practices and a willingness to change.
Tuesday, March 14
1:002:00 p.m.
Sports Arena 226 (Bengal Club)
Cosponsored with the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), this program is an outgrowth of the November EAP program "Services to Assist with Eldercare Issues." Many who attended the session wanted to continue to meet and discuss ideas. This is an opportunity to share your successes or get advice on caring for an adult, a relevant issue for many. Join us for lunch. Registration is required: Call Elaine Henzler, ext. 6110.
Friday, March 31
1:00 p.m.2:00 p.m.
E. H. Butler Library 210
Sharon Lawrence, R.D., will leave you laughing with her session on the pros and cons of fat in your diet. Lawrence is a nutrition specialist who conducts programs for Blue Cross/Blue Shield and shares nutrition tips regularly on WBEN radio. This informative presentation will offer many great new food ideas. Registration is required; contact Alive & Well at ext. 5109 or odonnelj@buffalostate.edu.
The Degree Audit Task Force has scheduled demonstrations of two degree audit systems under consideration. Members of the campus community are invited to attend these demonstrations and comment on the systems. Mike Fox, a representative for DegreeWorks, will be on campus Wednesday, March 15. Ivan Rival, from Degree Navigator, will be on campus Tuesday, April 4. Campus presentations will be held from 10:00 a.m. to noon both days. Space is limited; reservations are required. Contact Nancy Babb at ext. 3412 or babbnm@buffalostate.edu.
The Technology Council, along with the Administrative and Academic Technology Advisory Committees, forwarded recommendations on Technology Fee/SCAP requests to the vice presidents for academic affairs and finance and management at the end of the fall 1999 semester. The recommendations were approved in January, and purchases have commenced.
back to
The campus community is invited to attend one of two SABRE project presentations, "SABRE Spring 2000 Update: Our Road to a New Student Information System." Sessions will be presented Tuesday, March 28 from 8:30 to 9:25 a.m. in Butler Library 210 and Thursday, March 30 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Bulger Communication Center West. Each session will include a summary of information-gathering sessions, a Web site demonstration, and a glimpse of some of the features of the new system. Refreshments will be served. For more information, visit www.buffalostate.edu/offices/sabre.
The State of New York/United University Professions Joint Labor-Management Committees have announced that the Individual Development Awards Program has been renewed. Formerly called Professional Development and Quality of Working Life (PDQWL), the program is intended to assist employees in the UUP bargaining unit in developing their full professional potential and in preparing for advancement by funding professional development activities. The maximum award amount is $1,000. In addition, up to $4,000 may be awarded when salary for a replacement is required.
The award period covers professional development activities commenced on or after September 1, 1999, and completed on or before August 31, 2000. Three additional one-year award periods are anticipated.
Applications and guidelines are available at www.buffalostate.edu/offices/hr/ida.htm. Applications also are available in the Human Resource Management Office, Cleveland Hall 410, or the UUP local chapter office, Classroom Building A104.
Applications must be received in the Human Resource Management Office, Cleveland Hall 410, by 5:00 p.m. Friday, March 31.
Campus committee members are Deborah Jones, Anthony Nowakowski, and Wanda Slawinska representing UUP; and Dolores Battle, Dorcas Colvin, and Mel Netzhammer representing management.
Buffalo State and the Western New York Association of Colleges and University Business Officers invite all women in higher education to a special program, "Organizational Change and Finances: An Uneasy Synergy," Friday April 7 at the Delaware Park Marcy Casino. Dr. Marie Valentine McDemmond, president of Norfolk State University, will deliver the keynote address. The conference goals are
The New York State Industries for the Disabled Inc. (NYSID) is a not-for-profit corporation appointed by the New York State Department of Education. The organization fosters meaningful employment of citizens with disabilities by securing and administering contracts for goods and services fulfilled by trained workers at community rehabilitation agencies. SUNY is one of the agency's biggest customers, granting more than 25 contracts (about $1.5 million) to NYSID annually. During 1999, Buffalo State purchased almost $200,000 in goods and services from NYSID and the New York State Industries for the Blind.
The next College Senate meeting will be 3:00 p.m. Friday, March 10 in E. H. Butler Library 210.
The following were received in the College Senate Office and have been forwarded to the Curriculum Committee for review and approval:
From General Studies (0556) to Individualized Studies
CTE 301 Foundations of Career and Technical Subjects Education. This course serves as an introduction and entry to the professional teacher-preparation program. A sociological, historical, and philosophical base provides understanding of career and technical education and its relationship to society's career and technical occupations. Identification of current terminology, professional responsibilities, and curriculum content for past and future development of courses is included.