the Bulletin |
Vol. XLV, No. 27 March 30, 2000 |
Senate Report and Recommendation
I hereby approve the recommendation of the College Senate that the ATMs in the Campbell Student Union be moved to a location that provides physical access and safety for all students, faculty, and staff.
The 25 faculty and staff members who were hired during Dr. Bulger's tenure were sent special commemorative invitations. Anyone else who would like to have a keepsake invitation may obtain one in the President's Office, Cleveland Hall 517.
Spring Open House Position Announcement: Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies
Required qualifications:
Preferred qualifications:
The director initially will teach three courses a year and receive a $5,000 stipend. This is a 10-month appointment with an additional stipend for summer activities. The center will report initially to the dean of arts and humanities. The draft plan for the center is available at www.buffalostate.edu/academics/artshum.
Applicants should include a vita, the names of three references, and a cover letter that addresses the qualifications listed above, including his or her vision for the center. Submit applications to the Academic Affairs Office, Cleveland Hall 519, by close of business Friday, April 21. Spring Dance Concert
Tickets are $8 for general admission, $5 for students, and are available through the Performing Arts Center Box Office; admission is free for Buffalo State students with valid ID. For more information, call ext. 3005.
Construction Update
A temporary ramp was constructed in the lower-lobby area to allow persons with disabilities access from either the north (Cassety Hall) or east (main) entrance. The west entrance, leading to Perry Quad, will be closed for the duration of the project, as will Perry Quad and the union's lower-lobby restrooms.
You will soon see the construction extend into Perry Quad, along with equipment and trailers. We will keep you informed of progress. Visit www.buffalostate.edu/map for a map illustrating the above changes.
Finance and Management Internship Program
Professional growth and development are gained by observing and participating in the following areas of finance and management:
Criteria and Selection
Application Deadline
FAST Center Computer Classes
KimMarie Markel is available to assist with Web pages Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to noon and Thursdays from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.; call ext. 6676. Paul Reynolds is available Mondays from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to noon; call ext. 3361. Please make an appointment.
Creating Web Pages with HTML Code
Introduction to Windows
Introduction to Excel
Introduction to Outlook
Introduction to Access
Introduction to Web Page Design
Intermediate Access Student Employee of the Year
Brooke also won the state competition and has been selected as the 19992000 Student Employee of the Year for the New York State. This qualifies her for the regional-level competition.
Brooke, accompanied by her supervisor Donald Agen, University Police investigator, and Ayanna Black, student employment coordinator, will be honored Tuesday, April 11 at the 10th Annual Student Employee of the Year Awards Luncheon, sponsored by the Niagara Frontier College Placement Association (NFCPA). Erie County Executive Joel Giambra will present the awards.
Campus Catering Now Available
Lunch at the Social Hall
Who's Who Award Ceremony College Senate Meeting Call for Nominations
Please contact Sharon Cramer at ext. 4334 or cramersf@buffalostate.edu or Lisa D'Addieco at ext. 5139 or daddielm@buffalostate.edu with questions. We encourage your participation in this vital process.
I hereby accept the report of the Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Women's Issues: Surveys of Knowledge of Practices and Policy Regarding the Discretionary Award Process. I thank the College Senate and the committee for their diligent and meticulous work. As a reminder, the discretionary award process is a labor-management issue, and we will report back to the senate after an appropriate review of the report.
Memorial Convocation to Honor Paul Bulger
A memorial convocation to honor former Buffalo State College President Paul G. Bulger will be held at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, April 15 in Rockwell Hall Auditorium. Dr. Bulger's family, the College Council, and I invite all members of the Buffalo State community to attend. A reception in the Burchfield-Penney Art Center will follow the ceremony.
Spring Open House will be held from noon to 3:00 p.m. Saturday, April 8. Prospective students and their families will tour the campus, meet with faculty and student support services, discuss financial aid options, explore career opportunities, and enjoy refreshments. Parent and student panels, as well as a presentation for transfer students, also will be offered. Volunteers are needed to assist with check-in, direct visitors, and provide additional support. Please contact Carolyn Murphy at ext. 5508 or murphycm@buffalostate.edu
Academic affairs invites applications for the director of the newly established Center for Interdisciplinary Studies. The center will provide a central location for the development and promotion of interdisciplinary curricular initiatives on campus, grant acquisition, and the scholarship of teaching. The director will coordinate the activities of the center, supervise the clerical-staff position, and maintain an office in the center. The director is responsible for the center's four primary functions:
The Buffalo State Dance Theater will hold its annual Spring Dance Concert at 8:00 p.m. April 14 and 15 in Rockwell Hall Auditorium. This exhibition is the culmination of faculty and student dance projects created and rehearsed since fall 1999. It will feature premiere performances by faculty members Daphne Finnegan, Janet Reed, and Gerry Trentham and student choreographers Roberta Dodd, Natasha Fedor, Elizabeth McKendry, Kristen Sheffield, and Steve Vonda.
Spring break presented a splendid opportunity for construction workers to move ahead with the college bookstore project. The weather was cooperative, and planned work was completed ahead of schedule. You will notice significant changes in and around the Campbell Student Union.
Finance and management offers one staff member within finance and management and one faculty or staff member from outside finance and management the opportunity to broaden their scope and knowledge of college administration through a professional internship program. The intern gains new knowledge in areas reporting to the vice president and is exposed to the process of senior-level college management. The internship is designed to help faculty and staff members develop professional skills in areas that their current positions may not afford.
back to
Time Requirements
The internship extends up to one year. Individuals must be willing to commit a minimum of 10 hours per week to finance and management. The specifics of the internship are developed jointly, based on the individual's personal career development plan that includes goals, current professional knowledge and skills, and knowledge and skills the individual hopes to gain. Release time or an adjusted work schedule must be arranged with the individual's supervisor.
All staff and faculty are encouraged to apply. Applicants must submit a professional development plan and be recommended by their immediate supervisors, deans, and vice presidents, if applicable. The vice president for finance and management makes the final selection.
Submit applications, résumés, and professional development plans to the vice president for finance and management, Cleveland Hall 505, by Friday, April 21. Recommendation(s) must be received by Friday, May 5. Internships begin August 2000.
Training Schedule for April
Computing Services offers monthly computer training classes. Unless otherwise noted, all classes will be held in CyberQuad, E. H. Butler Library 318. Please bring an IBM-formatted, 3.5" disk. Contact Paul Reynolds at ext. 3361 or reynolap@bscmail.buffalostate.edu to register for any of these classes. If you use e-mail, you must include your full name, e-mail username, title, department, and telephone number. Incomplete messages will not be accepted. You also may register online at www.buffalostate.edu/offices/cyber. You will receive a reply only if there is a problem with your request.
Monday, April 3
9:00 a.m.noon
Learn what's "behind" all the Web pages on the Internet. Learn how to code a basic Web page with Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and create links to other pages and sites.
Friday, April 7
9:00 a.m.noon
Learn how to navigate Windows; create and find files; create, edit, and rename folders; copy and move files; and customize desktop settings. (Disk does not need to be formatted.)
Monday, April 10
9:00 a.m.noon
Excel is the worksheet application that comes with Office 97. Learn how to set up a basic worksheet, use the built-in functions, format data, and use data to create charts and graphs.
Wednesday, April 12
9:00 a.m.noon
Outlook and Exchange Server are the new campus standards for e-mail and group activities. Learn how to set up Outlook, use e-mail, set up personal address books and mailboxes, and use the calendar. You must have an NT account and an Exchange Server account to attend this class.
Monday, April 17
9:00 a.m.noon
This class covers the basic concepts of database design and discusses things to consider when creating a database. Learn how to create tables, forms, queries, reports, and labels.
Tuesday, April 18
1:004:00 p.m.
Learn the basic dos and don'ts of Web page design and how to create and link Web pages using Claris Home Page.
Wednesday, April 19
9:00 a.m.noon
This hands-on session will show how to link multiple tables, use referential integrity when creating joins, and create forms within forms to facilitate accessing data. You must have attended Introduction to Access to attend this class.
It gives me great pleasure to announce the 19992000 Buffalo State College Student Employee of the Year, Stephanie A. Brooke. A campus committee appointed by the Career Development Center's Student Employment Program selected Brooke, a senior student coordinator employed by the Buffalo State University Police Department. This annual award, sponsored by the Northeast Association of Student Employment Administrators (NEASEA), is designed to recognize the accomplishments of our student employees.
Sodexho America Corporation, the firm providing dining services at Buffalo State, now offers limited catering services. Under its new agreement with the college, Sodexho America will cater small events (maximum 50 people) requiring coffee/continental breakfast service, light luncheons, or afternoon snack breaks. Contact Kim Connolly at ext. 4128.
An all-you-can-eat luncheon buffet, offering soups, salads, sandwiches, desserts, and beverages, is now available in the Social Hall Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 1:30 p.m. The cost is $5.40.
For 66 years, Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities has annually honored outstanding campus leaders for their scholastic and community achievements. Buffalo State is one of more than 1,900 institutions that participate in the program. A reception to recognize this year's honorees will be held at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 18 in the Burchfield-Penney Art Center's North Gallery. Please join us for this important event.
The next College Senate meeting will be 3:00 p.m. Friday, April 14 in E. H. Butler Library 210.
From the Chair of the Bylaws and Elections Committee
The call for nominations for two at-large senate positions was distributed by campus mail to eligible voters. Full-time faculty, professional staff, and librarians are eligible to run for three-year terms. Nominations and self-nominations are due in the College Senate Office, Cleveland Hall 417C, by noon Friday, April 7.