the Bulletin |
Vol. LII, No. 10 |
Fifth Annual Understanding Community and Peace Conference
The conference program features morning presentations that focus on a worldview of strategies for peace. This year's highly regarded guest speakers include Stadler M. Trengove, Esq., legal officer, Office of the Legal Council, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations headquarters; Sayyid Syeed, secretary general of the Islamic Society of North America; and Claude E. Welch, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Political Science, University at Buffalo. The Buffalo State Chorale, led by Dean Ekberg, lecturer in the Music Department, will provide a musical interlude composed of peace selections to conclude the morning program.
The afternoon segment will shift its focus to issues and activities directly related to community understanding and peace. The afternoon session will open with a performance by the Folkloric Dance Company and close with the Peace Weavers. Additionally, a video presentation of interviews with Buffalo community youth and adults will be discussed by a panel of representatives from several leading community organizations.
Buffalo State and Campus West students will read from their award-winning peace essays during morning and afternoon sessions. Opportunities for questions and discussion will be provided at the conclusion of the morning and afternoon sessions.
We wish to invite Buffalo State faculty, staff, and students, other members of the campus community, and citizens of Western New York to join us for what promises to be a truly provocative and inspiring experience. Please encourage your students to attend and participate in Community and Peace Week and the Peace Conference. We also invite faculty to schedule class meetings and accompany students during the program of events.
For further information regarding the Peace Conference, please contact Jean Gounard, director of International Student Affairs, at gounarjf@buffalostate.edu or ext. 5331. For information regarding Community and Peace Week, contact Gary Welborn, associate professor of sociology, at welborgs@buffalostate.edu or ext. 6428.
Also, please check our Web site at www.buffalostate.edu/orgs/csucp.
Campus Closing on Friday, October 13
Unfortunately, this means that employees are required, under state policy, to charge their absence for Friday to accumulated vacation, personal, or overtime compensatory leave accruals.
The State Policy on Closing of State Offices/Directing Early Departures may be found at
We are working aggressively to achieve a more favorable outcome for our employees. A petition to suspend the time and attendance rules for October 13 is being submitted to the NYS Department of Civil Service. If our campus request is approved, we will reinstate the time charged to employees' leave accruals for that date. We understand that the approval process may take some time, and we will notify employees as soon as we receive a determination on our petition.
Please call Human Resource Management at ext. 3042 if you have questions regarding the leave policies.
Policy and Procedures
If the decision to close the college and cancel classes is made before the start of the workday, the
vice president for finance and management will inform University Police. If the decision
to close is made once classes are in session, the vice president for finance and
management will consult with the vice president for academic affairs and notify
University Police of the decision. University Police will notify the following broadcast
stations in either case:
University Police also will inform the following:
An early decision to close the college and cancel classes will be relayed to the stations listed above
by about 6:00 a.m. For information concerning cancellation of classes, please check the main page of the Buffalo State Web site, www.buffalostate.edu, or call the school closing information number, 878-5000. Please do not call any other number for this information.
Attendance Policy under Emergency Conditions
Should the closure occur during the workday, the vice president for finance and
management will convey the decision to the other vice presidents, who will ensure
that the announcement is communicated throughout their respective areas. Again,
essential service* employees are required to remain on the job or report to work as
scheduled in this instance. Following official closure, employees may leave their work
sites and charge the remainder of their workday to appropriate leave accruals or continue
working until their regular departure time.
Absences that result from the cancellation of classes and services must be charged to
appropriate leave accruals as described below.
*Essential services are those that must be maintained to ensure the well-being and
protection of those who reside on campus, as well as the maintenance and security of
college property. The following functions are considered essential services. Employees
assigned to these areas are required to report to work under emergency conditions:
All employees who are designated essential service will be notified in writing by their
department heads.
Directed Absences
Instructions for Nonessential Service Employees Who Elect to Report for Work
under Emergency Conditions
A review of our 2005–2006 Winter Pause experience revealed the following:
Individual employees may, of course, request vacation and personal leave, and supervisors and department heads may approve requests as long as there is adequate staffing to allow the department to remain open and provide services. Deans and other unit heads will establish plans for provision of service during the period. Supervisors are encouraged to be as flexible as possible in granting leave requests during the holiday week.
The college will be closed on the Christmas holiday, Monday, December 25, 2006, and the New Year's holiday, Monday, January 1, 2007. Departments may remain closed on Tuesday, December 26, 2006, if employees wish to use vacation time on that day.
Young Alumnus Achievement Awards Reception
Richard Baumert, '86
Edward Czechowski, '95, '97
Beverly Dunn, '92
Lisa Flynn, '86
Russell Griffin, '93
James Hill, '88
Amy Pearl, '87
Please join us in celebrating the outstanding achievements of our recipients. The cost is $15 per person and includes a champagne toast, hors d'oeuvre and dessert reception, and special memento. For reservations, call the Alumni Affairs Office at ext. 6001 by Friday, October 20.
College Senate Meeting About
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