the Bulletin |
Vol. LII, No. 14 |
College Council Reappointment
Commencement Committee
William Raffel, Communication, chair; Amitra Hodge, Sociology, vice chair; Patricia Alessandra, Academic Affairs; Mark Bausili, Registrar; Susan Birden, Educational Foundations; Thomas Coates, Events Management; Robert Delprino, Psychology; John DeNisco, Business; Bonita Durand, President's Office; Lloyd Elm, Elementary Education; Lee Ann Grace, International and Exchange Programs; Deborah Insalaco, Speech-Language Pathology; Lydia Kawaler, Human Resource Management; Melaine Kenyon, Instructional Resources; Marsha Moses, Graduate School; Jill Powell, Institutional Advancement and Development; Jean Salisbury, University College; Gail Wells, Student Life; Craig Werner, English; Rita Zientek, School of the Professions; and Melissa Agard, Michelle Curtis, Matthew Levin-Stankevich, Charles Mays, and Donique Mears, student representatives.
This committee serves as an advisory committee to the president, reviewing and forwarding recommendations for procedural and operational changes to the Commencement ceremony, as well as other processes involved with Commencement.
Kevin Railey, English, chair; Laurie Buonanno, Political Science; Wanda Davis, Student Personnel Administration; Marian Deutschman, College and Community Partnerships; Katherine Hartman, Art Education; Charles Kenyon, Student Affairs; Bradley Mazon, Corporate and Foundation Relations; and Paul Theobald, Center for Excellence in Urban and Rural Education. Bonita Durand, President's Office, and Maryruth Glogowski, E. H. Butler Library, will provide staff support to the committee.
The group is charged with identifying candidates for the State University of New York honorary doctorates, SUNY's highest academic honor, and preparing nomination portfolios. Honorary degrees are awarded to recognize excellence that exemplifies the mission and purpose of the State University of New York in the following fields: public affairs, the sciences, humanities and the arts, scholarship and education, business and philanthropy, and social services.
Honorary degrees also can honor meritorious and outstanding service to the university, the state of New York, the United States, or humanity at large, or people whose lives serve as examples of the university's aspirations for its students.
Names of suggested nominees for SUNY honorary doctorates should be forwarded to Kevin Railey, c/o Maryruth Glogowski, E. H. Butler Library 134 or glogowmf@buffalostate.edu, by Friday, April 6, 2007.
The Campus Safety Forum consists of faculty, students, and staff charged with reviewing current campus policies and procedures, making recommendations for their improvement, educating the campus community about personal safety and crime, and responding to inquires from concerned persons. Members of the campus community who have concerns about issues related to personal safety may present them to any member of the forum.
Faculty Access to Computing Technology COCID Funding Available
The FACT Council is currently accepting COCID proposals for spring, summer, or fall 2007 or spring 2008.
What Is COCID?
Who Can Apply for COCID Funding?
Where Can I Find More Information?
Submission Deadlines
Campus Contact
College Senate Meeting
Intellectual Foundations Designation and Course Revision:
Intellectual Foundations Designation: