the Bulletin |
Vol. LII, No. 27 |
College Council Meeting
This annual event serves to honor our colleagues for their years of service and dedication to Buffalo State. The following 16 employees have crossed the 25-year mark this year:
Lucy Andrus, Art Education
If you wish to attend the luncheon, please submit a reservation form, or call Ginny Bolz or Melissa Slisz at ext. 4101 or 4102. Reservations will be accepted through Tuesday, April 3.
Change in GE2K
Buffalo Women Making History I, featuring Anne Harrington of Loaves and Fishes Dining Room, Rosa Gibson of Community Action Information Center, Terri Mazza of Vive la Casa Refugee Center, and Constance Eve of Women for Human Rights and Dignity Inc.
Buffalo Women Making History II, featuring Marie Cannon of the Girl Scouts Council of Buffalo and Erie County Inc., Donna Fernandez of the Buffalo Zoo, Marian Deutschman of the League of Women Voters, and Tamara Brown of the American Association of University Women
All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend.
Records Access Officer Named
Examples of honoraria include compensation for delivering a speech, writing an article, or attending a meeting. Honoraria do not include salary, wages, or fees earned from outside employment. Faculty are not required to declare honoraria received within their academic disciplines.
Although reporting honoraria is required, obtaining prior approval of requests to receive honoraria is optional rather than mandatory. However, the college encourages employees to seek prior approval from the president's designee (your respective vice president) before engaging in an activity that leads to the receipt of an honorarium.
If you receive honoraria during the period April 1, 2006, through March 31, 2007, and do not request prior approval from your vice president, you will be required to report the source, date, and amount of honoraria received to your vice president by May 11, 2007.
Information regarding reporting of honoraria can be found at www.dos.state.ny.us/ethc/rules/Part930.htm. Questions should be directed to Susan Earshen, director of human resource management, at ext. 3042.
Senate Vacancies: Call for Nominations March 12–March 30
Faculty members, faculty librarians, and professional and support staff whose total service in the College Senate would not exceed six consecutive years by the end of this term (September 2007–August 2010) are eligible to run for office. Nominees are asked to provide a short statement about their interest in serving as an at-large or University Faculty senator, and post their statements on the Senate electronic voting site by sending the materials to Judy Janus, Senate secretary. Details are provided on the Senate Web site.
Individuals running for a senator position in another election may not also run for an at-large senator or University Faculty senator position while the other election is being conducted. If the other election concludes during the period when nominations for at-large or University Faculty senator are still being accepted, eligible individuals may self-nominate for either position.
If you are interested in being a candidate, please contact Judy Janus, ext. 5139. We look forward to your participation in the vital process of campus governance.
Course Revisions:
COM 303 Print News I: Reporting. Practice in news writing for print and online publications; theory, form, and techniques in writing news; focus on leads and various types of reporting scenarios; experience in writing under deadline pressure.
COM 319 Print News II: Editing. Theory and practice in copy editing, headline writing, and preparation of news for publication and online presentation; analysis and evaluation of news content; practice in working under time pressure.
COM 325 Feature Writing. Theory and advanced practice in writing magazine articles, newspaper features, and similar stories for online publications; writing for specialized audiences; introduction to freelance procedures.
COM 337 Electronic News I: Producing. News writing and producing for electronic media in a studio setting; theory, form, and techniques of writing and presenting news for radio and television; practice in reporting, writing, and presentation under deadline pressure.
COM 338 Electronic News II: Reporting. News reporting for electronic media in nonstudio locations; practice in reporting, writing, and news presentation under deadline pressure; techniques of using cameras and editing equipment.
Course Revision: