Leave Accruals to Be Restored for October 13 Snowstorm
The New York State Civil Service Commission has approved the request for suspension of the attendance rules for state employees with work locations in Erie, Genesee, Niagara, and Orleans counties who were absent due to the storm on Friday, October 13, 2006.
This suspension applies only to full-day absences that were directly related to the storm. It does not apply to employees who were out on approved absences that were not storm-related, such as sick leave or scheduled vacation.
The Human Resource Management and Payroll offices will review the attendance reports filed by professional and management employees and the biweekly timesheets submitted by classified employees to restore vacation or personal leave charged for October 13. The changes will be reflected in the classified employee biweekly timesheets for the pay period ending December 13, and in the January 2007 attendance reports for professional and management employees.
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Grant Allocation Committee Request for Proposals (RFP) Application
The Grant Allocation Committee has received a record number of applications for funding. Many applications are still requesting funds for food or refreshments. According to committee guidelines, approved funds may not be used to pay for food or refreshments. Requests of this nature will not be considered during committee deliberations.
Additionally, the committee has revised the "Applications" section of the RFP to include section "3F," which states:
If your department/organization received funding within the past two years by this committee, you must provide a report on the results of the past program and explain how the proposed program relates (if applicable) to the previously funded program. Applications that fall into this category and are received without this report on file may not be considered for funding.
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Curricular Items
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review and approval:
Minor Revision:
Chemistry (1726)
New Course:
BUS/CRS/UNC 201 Foundations of Leadership
Course Revisions:
CIS 425 Object-Oriented Development
CIS 470 Data Communications
FTT 109 Apparel Assembly Processes
SPC 103 Introduction to Human Communication
Intellectual Foundations Designations:
PSY 101 Introductory Psychology
SPC 103 Introduction to Human Communication
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The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Senate Curriculum Committee for review and approval:
Intellectual Foundations Designations:
ENG 353 Native American Literature
SPC 311 Intercultural Communication
SPC 333 Minorities and the Media
ENG 252 British Modernism
Intellectual Foundations Designations and Course Revisions:
ENG 231 Women in Literature. The images of women in literature as they reflect attitudes about women and their roles. Emphasis on authors and eras varies with instructors.
SLP 206 Language Development. Introduction to the nature and scope of language development in children; children's acquisition of language, speech sounds, words, sentence structure, and meaning; factors that influence language development.
SLP 220 Introduction to Communication Disorders. Characteristics and causes of speech, language, and hearing disorders in children and adults; methods of assessment and treatment; anatomy of speech and hearing mechanisms; basic information on normal and abnormal speech and language development.
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