the Bulletin |
Vol. LII, No. 2 |
Response to College Senate Recommendations
Motion 1:
"Given that the Academic Services and International Education Committees have not met in the last couple of years, and based upon responses from the recent College Senate survey and recommendations by the Senate chairs, BSAC recommends elimination of the Academic Services and International Education Committees.
Rationale: Stated in the motion.
This has the following implications for the Senate Bylaws:
Note: If this motion is approved, necessary changes will also be made as necessary in the Senate Handbook Section and the Standing Rules.
Motion 2:
"Article III, Section C, (e), be amended to revise 'each of the approved faculties' to include a listing of the schools separately."
Rationale: To bring the College Senate Bylaws in conformity to the reorganization of the college.
This would revise Article III, Section C, (e) to read as follows:
"Six members elected from each of the approved faculties (School of Arts and Humanities, School of Education, School of Natural and Social Sciences, School of the Professions) and other faculties recommended by the Senate and approved by the president."
Motion 3:
Recommend that the college support staff have representation on the College Senate, in the form of a single seat.
Rationale: To expand the College Senate to include a group that is currently not represented.
Motion 4:
Recommend that any disenfranchisements of faculty members, professional staff, and support staff shall be fixed by the relevant units. All faculty members and staff members should be eligible to run and vote in two elections—the general "At-Large" Senate elections and one unit affiliation election (e.g., faculty schools, Professional Staff Caucus, library, and support staff), and that this affiliation remain the responsibility of the relevant units.
Rationale: To address the situations of those individuals whose current roles on campus either have separated them from their original departments or whose new positions have them in roles that are unaffiliated with one of the units identified in the motion. This motion is based on forums, surveys, and other input reviewed by the Bylaws Committee members over the past 18 months.
Modify Article II, Section C, with this addition (provided in bold):
The College Senate, as defined below (Article III, Part C), will maintain a list of eligible voters and notify in writing those persons declared to be voters under Article II, Sections A and B above. An appeal of a Senate decision may be heard only by the voting faculty. Any disenfranchisements of faculty members, professional staff, and support staff are the responsibility of the relevant units. All faculty members and staff members should be eligible to run and vote in two elections—the general "At-Large" Senate elections and one unit affiliation election (e.g., faculty schools, Professional Staff Caucus, library, and support staff).
Note: If this motion is approved, implementation guidelines will be developed if needed.
Motion 5:
Recommend that the Senate structure only include the following groups: faculty (consisting of the four schools and the library), professional staff members, support staff members, students, and administrators (nonvoting).
Rationale: To clarify the College Senate membership.
Modify Article III, Section C
Current: Introductory sentence, "The College Senate shall be composed of:" to now read:
Recommended change: "The College Senate shall only include the following groups: Faculty (consisting of the four schools and the library), professional staff members, support staff members, students, and administrators (nonvoting), with specific members as follows:
Motion 6:
Recommend that the "faculty be the majority membership of the College Senate" serve as a governing principle for bylaws changes.
Rationale: In reviewing the composition of other governance units in the SUNY system, faculty members are in the majority. This is based on the majority of the work that is the focus of the College Senate - curricular review, academic plan, etc.
Note: Further bylaws revisions will be required if this motion and Motion 3 are approved. Implementation recommendations will be developed during 2006–2007.
Modify Article III, Section C, to add an introductory sentence:
Recommended change: Faculty members shall be the majority membership of the College Senate.
Motion 7:
Recommend clarification of "student" with regard to service on the Professional Welfare Committee to indicate that individuals who are* faculty or staff members can serve on Professional Welfare, even if they are taking one or two courses.
Rationale: Only one committee (Professional Welfare) specifically excludes students, due to the nature of discussions which "concern faculty welfare." The motion seeks to clarify who is eligible to serve on the committee. Faculty and staff members taking classes would not, for the purpose of committee membership, be considered students.
Modify Article III, Section F, subsection (e)
Current: Professional Welfare will have no student members.
Recommended change: Professional Welfare will have no student members (Note that even if a faculty or staff member is taking one or more courses, he or she is still eligible to serve on Professional Welfare).
* Note that the words "full time" were removed from this motion, in accord with the removal of the phrase from the wording of Article III, Section F, subsection (e) (below) "no members who are not full-time faculty or staff members" at the March 31, 2006, Senate meeting.
Motion 8:
Recommend that the University Senators must have full-time faculty status.
Rationale: Representatives of Buffalo State College at the SUNY University Faculty Senate have traditionally been faculty members. This motion endorses this precedent and clarifies the number of faculty members who are part of the College Senate.
Modify Article III, Section C, subsection (f)
Current: Two State University senators elected by the college; and
Recommended change: Two State University senators, who must be full-time faculty members, elected by the college. I hereby approve the recommended revisions to the College Senate Bylaws as outlined above.
College Relations Office Responsible for Public and Media Relations
Senate Meetings for Academic Year 2006–2007
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
These dates are also posted on the College Senate Web site and in the Academic Calendar, distributed by Academic Affairs.
Academic Plan
Budget and Staff Allocation
Bylaws and Elections
Instruction and Research
Professional Welfare
Standards for Students
Student Welfare
Program Revision:
Minor Revision:
New Courses:
MAT 491 Capstone Research in Mathematics. Independent research under the direction of the instructor. Composition of a research paper and presentation of results at a seminar for faculty and students.
Course Revisions:
MAT 366 Computer Mathematics II. Structured programming, verification of program validity, data structures, combinatorial problems, flow network algorithms, random number generators, simulation of random and nonrandom processes.
MAT 501 Math for Teachers: Algebra. Operational systems, number systems, groups, rings, fields, ordered fields, functions over fields, algebraic properties of the trigonometric functions.
MAT 521 Math for Teachers: Geometry. Formal and informal geometry, congruence, measurement, constructions, similarity, transformations, coordinate geometry, trigonometric functions.