the Bulletin |
Vol. LI, No. 37 |
Commencement 2006
Commencement is the most important academic ceremony of the year. Your efforts helped to make each of these ceremonies memorable and joyous occasions for the nearly 2,400 graduates and their families and friends. Thank you again for your commitment and dedication to Buffalo State College. I hope you have a wonderful and productive summer.
Urgent Advisory: Campus Closed Saturday, June 3, 2006
By 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 2, campus constituents are asked to turn off all business and office machines, including computers, and auxiliary devices such as heaters, air conditioners, fans, coffee machines, etc. Refrigerators should be left on with doors closed.
Minimal electrical service will be provided for the Science Building to sustain critical laboratory conditions; however, neither air conditioning nor elevator service will be provided.
Computing and Technology Services functions will be sustained on auxiliary power; however, the college Web site may not be available.
University Police will provide additional security patrols during the electrical shutdown.
Questions or concerns regarding this emergency repair should be referred to Customer Service, ext. 6111.
Curricular Items
Program Revision:
Intellectual Foundations Designation and Course Revision:
Intellectual Foundations Designations: