the Bulletin |
Vol. LI, No. 28 |
Foreign Language: American Sign Language
ASL may be used to satisfy the foreign language requirement under two circumstances:
Departments seeking approval to use ASL under circumstance No. 2 should submit a memo with justification to their dean. If approved, appropriate notification will be provided to campus offices.
Campus Confidentiality Statement
Failure to protect personal and academic information may result in legal action against offending employees. Employees accused of failure to protect confidential information that results in harm to an individual may not be covered by the Public Officer's Law, and therefore not defended by New York State.
Examples of personal information that must be kept confidential: Social Security number, health information, disability status, etc. Faculty and staff must ensure that information contained on the employee change form is kept confidential.
Examples of academic information that must be kept confidential: grades, class schedule, student ID number, etc. Faculty and staff members may not post test scores or grades using any portion of a student's name, Social Security number, or student ID number. Faculty and staff must refrain from providing students' parents with information related to their student's academic performance or other personal information, unless given permission to do so by the student.
For more information:
State and Federal Laws:
Questions regarding privacy of the employee change form, employee contracts, official employee files, etc.:
Questions regarding privacy of student information and FERPA:
Questions regarding health information and HIPAA:
Questions regarding legal liability and any legal action against the college or an employee:
New York State procurement rules and regulations require that a state purchase order be prepared prior to the delivery of goods or services. A recent audit of the college by the New York State Comptroller's Office cited the college for not always adhering to these regulations by processing confirming orders, i.e., requests to pay for goods or services without a preexisting official purchase order. The Purchasing Office will not process for payment any invoice for goods or services without an official purchase order already on file. If goods or services are delivered before the purchase order is issued, the employee who placed the order with the vendor may be personally liable for the payment of the goods or services.
If you have any questions about ordering goods and services, call the Purchasing Office at ext. 4113.
9th Annual Bengal 5K Run and Fun Walk
Advance registration will run through March 22 at a cost of $18 general; $16 Buffalo State faculty, staff, or alumnus; $10 student (any age). The fee increases after March 22. A special advance-registration discount for groups of seven or more students entered to represent a school team, club, or organization is being offered. We're also offering a special advance-registration discount for teams of seven or more Buffalo State faculty/staff members. New this year are Champion Chip Timing for our race results/timing and free pre- and post-race massages. Race T-shirts will be given to the first 400 participants.
Following the race, enjoy great food and beverages, fellowship, fun, and a chance to win fabulous door prizes at the popular Post-Race Bengal Brunch. Awards will go to the top male and female runners overall, the top three male and female runners in a variety of age groups, the top male and female Buffalo State faculty or staff runners, the top male and female alumnus runners, and the top male and female student runners. Special awards will be given to the student group with the largest number of race participants and the Buffalo State faculty/staff team with the fastest time (based on the top five finishers).
To register or for more information, contact Jen Small, alumni events coordinator, at ext. 6001 or smalljl@buffalostate.edu or visit www.buffalostatebengal5k.org.
Curricular Proposal Deadline
Intellectual Foundations Designations:
The following have been approved by the Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review and approval:
Intellectual Foundations Designations: