the Bulletin |
Vol. L, No. 6 |
Promotion to associate librarian, September 1, 2004, and continuing appointment, effective August 8, 2005:
New Course:
ANGEL Course Management System
Cyber Learning Labs, developers of ANGEL, will be on campus on Tuesday, September 21, for presentations throughout the day.
David Mills, CTO of Cyber Learning Labs, will provide an overview of the ANGEL system from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in E. H. Butler Library 210. Coffee will be provided.
Craig Lending, associate professor of molecular and cell biology, and Shannon Bradford, director of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, both from SUNY Brockport, will meet from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. in E. H. Butler Library 210 to discuss how they use ANGEL for teaching. Refreshments will be provided; please feel free to bring your lunch.
Participants can test-drive the ANGEL system from 2:00 to 3:15 p.m. in Butler Library's new PC lab, CyberQuad 316. Cathy Fowler of Cyber Learning Labs will lead the session. Seating is limited; please register online at http://bscintra.buffalostate.edu/registration/default2.asp.
The new course management system should be chosen by the faculty. A decision must be reached by December 1, as company support for our current version of Blackboard expires in 2005.
See the Electronic Learning Web site for more information on ANGEL: www.buffalostate.edu/offices/elearning/angelday.htm.
Winter Pause 2004–2005: Saving Energy for Tomorrow
Details regarding this year's Winter Pause will be published at a later date. The college administration thanks all campus employees, as well as others who may be inconvenienced by limited operations and services, for their cooperation in helping us to conserve energy and save resources.
The HCSAccount allows employees to set aside from $150 to $3,000 annually in pretax salary to pay for health-related expenses not reimbursed by health insurance. Over-the-counter (OTC) drug expenses are now reimbursable for management/confidential employees and those represented by CSEA and UUP. Pending conclusion of contract negotiations, OTC reimbursement may be extended to additional state employee groups during the 2005 plan year. Reimbursable expenses include allergy remedies, antacids, cold remedies, pain remedies, and other remedy items.
The DCAAccount allows employees to set aside up to $5,000 annually for child-care, elder-care, or other dependent-care expenses on a pretax basis. The employer contribution will be reinstated for the 2005 plan year, providing up to $600 for participating employees who are management/confidential or represented by CSEA or UUP. The employer contribution may be extended to employees in other state bargaining units pending conclusion of contract negotiations.
Participants currently enrolled in the HCSAccount or DCAAccount must reenroll to continue benefits in 2005. Reenrollment instructions will be sent directly from the Fringe Benefits Management Company.
A brochure describing these benefits will be distributed with the September 22 paychecks. Representatives from the NYS Flex Spending Account will be available at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 12, in the first-floor training room of 508 Main Street in Buffalo.
Paperless enrollment is quick, easy, and secure. Apply online at www.flexspend.state.ny.us or call the Flex Spending Account hotline at (800) 358-7202. No enrollment applications will be accepted by the plan administrator after the open enrollment period.
Call the Human Resource Management Office at ext. 4821 with questions.
Employees may call (800) 362-9874 to speak with a professional consultant on a wide range of issues such as personal budgeting, living with a disability, parenting skills, adoption, college planning, child and elder care, and home improvement. Free educational materials are also available at www.lifeworks.com. The user ID is NYS; the password is 2670.
For more information, call Human Resource Management at ext. 4821.
The shot is free for employees covered by Univera, Independent Health, Community Blue, Blue Choice, Preferred Care, and Medicare Part B. Employees must show a valid insurance card. Faculty and staff members not covered by any of these plans will be charged a $20 co-pay.
Please call the Human Resource Management Office at ext. 4821 with questions regarding your health insurance coverage.
The above provisions also pertain to individuals employed by the state whose salary is financed in whole or in part by any federal loan or grant.
Questions on the above may be referred to Susan Earshen, director of human resource management, at ext. 3042.
Residence Hall Opening
Students can meet with representatives from more than 70 local and national graduate and professional school programs to learn more about postbaccalaureate educational opportunities. All students—from freshmen to seniors—are encouraged to attend the Graduate School Fair.
For more information, including a list of participating schools, please call the Career Development Center at ext. 5811, or visit www.buffalostate.edu/offices/cdc/gsa.html.
Abs Class*
* Classes started September 13.
Buffalo State vs. New Paltz
College Policy on Bias and Hate Crimes
(a) intentionally selects the person against whom the offense is committed or intended to be committed in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability, or sexual orientation of a person, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct, or
(b) intentionally commits the act or acts constituting the offense in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct.
It is a violation of college policy and the code of Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities for Students to engage in harassment or threats of violence based on a person's race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, creed, sexual orientation, disability, age, or gender that is intended to create a situation on college property or at college-sponsored activities that produces mental discomfort, harm, or injury. Persons who believe they are the victims of a bias-related or hate crime should immediately report the incident or offense to University Police, Chase Hall 110, ext. 6333, or to the Equity and Campus Diversity Office, Cleveland Hall 415, ext. 6210.
For additional information, see the University Police Web site at www.buffalostate.edu/offices/police or the Equity and Campus Diversity Office Web site at www.buffalostate.edu/equity.
The deadline for early registration is Thursday, September 30. A limited number of complimentary registrations are available. Additional information and registration forms are available at www.buffalostate.edu/academics/cenc/htm/pdf/equitybrochure%20Final.pdf. Call the Equity and Campus Diversity Office at ext. 6210 with questions.
This program is intended to enhance employment opportunities for minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and Vietnam-era veterans in the Professional Services Negotiating Unit by assisting them to prepare for permanent or continuing appointments within the State University of New York. Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements listed in the guidelines. In order to secure a leave, the applicant is responsible for requesting and obtaining approvals, as appropriate, from the campus president or designee.
Please refer to the State/UUP Joint Labor-Management Committee Web site at www.uup.lmc.state.ny.us for additional information, guidelines, and application forms. |
the Bulletin