the Bulletin |
Vol. XLVIII, No. 7 |
Conference: Understanding, Cooperation, and Peace
W. Deen Mohammed
Mohammed represented Muslim Americans in Oxford, England, at the World Parliament of
Religious Leaders for the Survival of the Earth, and at the signing of the Williamsburg Charter
with former U.S. presidents in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1988. His strong interest in interfaith
dialogue led him to address the Muslim-Jewish Conference in 1995 with leaders of Islam and
Reform Judaism in Glencoe, Illinois.
Mohammed has served on the U.S. State Department's Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad, formed by former
Secretary of State Madeline Albright. He was invited by Pope John Paul II, along with various
other world religious leaders, to address an assembly of more than 100,000 during an
interfaith conference in St. Peter's Basilica in 1999.
Mohammed was voted one the world's most influential people by Ebony magazine in May 2000.
He has lectured at college and university campuses throughout the United States, including
Emory University, Fordham University, Georgetown University, Washington University, and
Yale University Divinity School.
Ramu Damodaran
Damodaran became political affairs officer at the Department of Special Political Questions with
responsibilities relating to Namibia and Western Sahara in 1989, and secretary of the United Nations
Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission with the Executive Office of the Secretary-General in 1991.
More recently, Damodaran has served as senior focal point and liaison officer with the United
Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations, as senior officer in the Executive Office of the
United Nations Secretary-General, and as private secretary/executive assistant to the prime
minister of India.
Eugene Schmiel
Schmiel served as the American chargé d'affaires in Iceland, Djibouti, and Guinea-Bissau;
consul general in Mombasa, Kenya; and deputy office director for Central African and Korean
Affairs during his career with the U.S. Department of State.
Schmiel and his wife, Kathryn, published Welcome Home: Who Are You? Tales of a Foreign
Service Family, which examines the human side of diplomacy and the life of a diplomat's
Buffalo State Student Panel
For more information about the conference, contact Jean Gounard, director of International
Student Affairs, at ext. 5331 or gounarjf@buffalostate.edu.
Campus Directory of Notaries Public
If you are a notary public and wish to be included in the directory, please send your name and
campus department, address, and telephone number by Thursday, October 10 to:
Wendy Mistretta
Ottilie Woodruff
The list should be posted at www.buffalostate.edu/orgs/psc and
www.buffalostate.edu/depts/studentlife/studentorgs.html by October 23.
The directory is made possible through a Faculty-Student Association Founders Fund Grant,
which was awarded to the PSC to coordinate notary public training for 10 campus employees
and to compile a directory of on-campus notaries.
Although SUNY and the Office of the State Comptroller recently negotiated an
agreement to provide SUNY with additional flexibility in replacing employees under the
200203 Retirement Incentive Program, program participation still would not be in the
overall best interest of the college.
Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher) or Netscape 4.7 (or higher) is necessary for online registration.
Enter the following information in the required fields:
SkillSoft E-Learning
More information about the SkillSoft E-Learning Program is available from the Human Resource
Management Web site, www.buffalostate.edu/offices/hr. Employees also may register for courses on the site.
This month's SkillSoft courses may be taken Friday, October 4 from 9:00 a.m. to noon and
Tuesday, October 22 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. in CyberQuad. A proctor will be available to assist
and to answer questions.
Golf and Tennis Scholarship Classic
This year's event was the most successful ever, raising $50,000 in scholarship funds for
deserving Buffalo State students.
Next year's classic will be held Monday, September 8 at the Brookfield Country Club.
Mark your calendars and watch for information on the many different ways to participate.
College Senate Meetings
New Courses:
Course Revisions:
the Bulletin |