the Bulletin |
Vol. XLVIII, No. 12 |
Spring 2003 Blackboard Courses
Late requests will be accepted until Friday, January 24, 2003; however, sites requested after November 22 will not be ready until Friday, February 7, 2003, and students will have to be added manually. Exceptions will be made for newly hired faculty and newly assigned courses. New faculty members or faculty members who are assigned spring-semester courses after November 22 should submit a completed course request form along with documentation from the department chair verifying new faculty status or late assignment. Sites will be created as soon as possible after documentation is received.
Campus policy requires that all Blackboard users attend training. The next training session will be held from 9:00 a.m. to noon Friday, December 6. Contact the Distance Education Office at ext. 6910 to register. Blackboard course sites will not be created for faculty members who have not attended training.
Call Margaret Banak, manager, Student Computing Services, at ext. 4611 with questions.
The annual deductible for CSEA employees will increase to $185.
Coinsurance (Out-of-Pocket Expenses)
The maximum co-insurance for CSEA employees will remain $776. Maximum co-insurance for 2003 will be reduced to $500 for CSEA employees who earn $24,657 or less in base salary and who are heads of household and sole wage earners in the family. Please call Human Resource Management at ext. 3042 to apply to the Department of Civil Service for this reduction.
Note: No deductibles or co-insurance applies if employees use the Empire Plan Participating Provider Network.
*Election Day and Lincoln's Birthday are "floating holidays" for all employees except
those represented by Council 82, who observe these days as fixed holidays; UUP-represented
employees observe Election Day on the day after Thanksgiving, Friday,
November 29. All other employees may arrange with their supervisors to take these
days off, or, if required to work (classes are in session), accrue compensatory time that
must be charged before the holiday recurs.
Employees who choose to work during Winter Pause must complete and return the Winter Pause Work Request Form. Department heads must complete the Department Staffing Plan Summary and submit the form to their dean, associate vice president, or vice president (next level in the chain of command) for approval.
What Will Happen?
Employees and students are asked to secure their offices and residence-hall rooms; take home plants, aquariums, and other temperature-sensitive items; and make certain that equipment and appliances, such as refrigerators, are cleaned out and unplugged. Plan ahead and take home all books and research materials that might be needed during this period of limited operations. Turn off or disconnect fax machines so messages do not accumulate. Turn off personal computers and printers. Please notify Campus Services, ext. 6111, of experiments in progress that may not be disturbed or moved during Winter Pause.
Snow removal will be limited to providing access for emergency vehicles and access to open buildings. Parking lots generally will not be plowed, and staff who opt to work are asked to park on Rockwell Road or in Lot S-1 (Science Building/Upton Hall) only.
Rockwell Hall, to honor contractual commitments and to protect art exhibits.
Employees may, at any time, sign up for direct deposit, which automatically deposits salary into designated checking and/or savings accounts at virtually any bank or credit union in the United States. Deposits may be directed to up to eight different accounts, and money is available the morning of payday.
Work-study and student-assistant paychecks scheduled for distribution on Wednesday, December 25 will be mailed to students at the addresses shown on their pay stubs. Students who wish to have their paychecks mailed to an alternative address must supply the Payroll Office with a self-addressed envelope by Wednesday, December 18. Supervisors should notify students that paychecks cannot be picked up during Winter Pause.
Employee Options
Campus Services employees should report to the Maintenance Service Center for assignments on scheduled work dates. Campus Services employees who wish to take time off during Winter Pause must submit vacation requests to their immediate supervisors.
Professional employees should review work plans with appropriate line officers in advance of Winter Pause.
For safety and security reasons, employees who work during Winter Pause may be asked to sign in and out with a University Police aide at entrances to buildings. In order to ensure that only authorized people are provided access to campus buildings, employees may be asked to show campus identification cards. Employees who wish to work and do not have current identification cards should obtain them from the SUNYCard Office in E. H. Butler Library before Winter Pause.
Employees not working during Winter Pause must charge appropriate leave accruals or request leave without pay. Approved compensatory time also may be used to cover absences during this period.
Please contact the Human Resource Management Office at ext. 4822 with questions regarding Winter Pause.
Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher) or Netscape 4.7 (or higher) is necessary for
online registration. Enter the following information in the required fields:
SkillSoft E-Learning
More information about the SkillSoft E-Learning Program is available from
the Human Resource Management Web site,
www.buffalostate.edu/offices/hr. Employees also may register for courses on
the site.
This month's SkillSoft courses may be taken in CyberQuad's Faculty/Staff Workroom,
E. H. Butler Library 310, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. A proctor will be available to assist and to answer questions.
Please sign in at E. H. Butler Library 315 before starting.
The program's trained on-site coordinators provide confidential information and referrals
to any employee or supervisor seeking help with a personal or job-related problem.
Coordinators are trained to refer employees to the most appropriate community service
providers for problems such as emotional stress, depression, financial or legal difficulties,
alcoholism, drug abuse, or marital or domestic discord. Coordinators also provide
information on local resources for issues such as child care, elder care, and legal and
financial services.
EAP services are available to state employees, their family members, and state retirees.
If you need help with a personal or family problem, please contact one of our campus
coordinators. All calls and discussions are strictly confidential.
EAP Web site: www.buffalostate.edu/offices/hr/eap.htm
*Robert Delprino is acting as interim coordinator until November 11, when Ann
Ellement returns from a brief leave of absence.
EAP provides assistance with many kinds of problems, including family, marital,
medical, financial, legal, grief and loss, elder care, and substance abuse. EAP does not
provide direct therapy but serves as a link between Buffalo State employees and skilled
professionals in the community. EAP is a neutral office, not associated with any
disciplinary procedures, whose services are designed to improve the quality of working
families' lives.
The EAP coordinator must have a strong commitment to the goals of NYS EAP,
excellent interpersonal skills, a history of productive relationships with co-workers, the
ability to communicate with individuals and groups, interest in the community and its
services and resources, flexibility and willingness to learn, the initiative and ability to
work independently, and a strong respect for confidentiality. The coordinator must attend
training sessions, including monthly regional trainings, as well as the five-day New
Coordinator Institute and local EAP Committee meetings. Candidates also must have
supervisory support and approval to assume this role.
The coordinator reports to and works with the local EAP Committee to increase
awareness of EAP on site, expand referral services, and help coordinate activities on
Any member of the campus community who meets the above criteria may apply; faculty
members are especially needed. Interested individuals may send a letter of interest and
résumé to:
Linda J. O'Donnell, EAP Committee Chair
20022003 Auxiliary Services Grants
Programs and events funded must be open to all students, faculty, and staff at
Buffalo State and result in a direct educational experience. All Buffalo State
students, faculty, and staff are eligible to apply. Application packets are available in
the Vice President for Student Affairs Office, Cleveland Hall 513; the United
Students Government Office, Campbell Student Union 401; the Student Life Office,
Campbell Student Union 400; and the Campbell Student Union Information Desk.
Buffalo State vs. Oswego
Women's Ice Hockey
Buffalo State vs. Chatham
College Senate Meetings
Course Revisions:
DES 317 Design in the Twentieth Century. Historical and theoretical
foundations of design from the early twentieth century to the present. Focus on
developments in communication, industrial, and craft design from the 1890s to
the present, emphasizing the unique conditions of the twentieth century with
respect to new technology and new media.
the Bulletin |