the Bulletin |
Vol. XLVIII, No. 20 |
Extended Library Hours
"Declare Yourself" Image Campaign Reception
Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher) or Netscape 4.7 (or higher) is necessary for online
registration. Enter the following
information in the required fields:
SkillSoft E-Learning
More information about the SkillSoft E-Learning Program is available from the Human
Resource Management Web site,
Employees also may register for courses on the site.
This month's SkillSoft courses may be taken in CyberQuad's Faculty/Staff Workroom, E. H. Butler Library 310,
by appointment only; call Debbie Riservato at ext. 4060. Please check in at E. H. Butler Library 315 (CyberQuad) before starting.
EEOC Compliance Manual Addresses
"The most important step for an employer [or educator] in preventing harassment is
clearly communicating to employees [and students] that harassment based on national
origin will not be tolerated and that employees who violate the prohibition against
harassment will be disciplined."
"Because linguistic characteristics are a component of national origin, employers [and
educators] should carefully scrutinize employment [and educational] decisions that are
based on accent to ensure that they do not violate Title VII.
"An employment [or educational] decision based on foreign accent does not violate Title
VII if an individual's accent materially interferes with the ability to perform job duties.
[But] employers [and educators] should distinguish between a merely discernable foreign
accent and one that interferes with communication skills necessary to perform job
duties." (EEOC Compliance Manual, December 2, 2002, www.eeoc.gov/docs/national-origin.html).
Any faculty/staff member or student who believes that there has been a violation of this
policy is encouraged to discuss his or her concerns with the Equity and Campus Diversity
Office, Cleveland Hall 415. Resolution of grievances will be handled according to the
Buffalo State College Procedure for Review of Allegation of Discrimination.
Assistance for international students regarding visas, work permits, and relevant
regulations of the Immigration and Naturalization Service is available through the
International Student Affairs Office, Campbell Student Union 400.
Many college students have undiagnosed learning disabilities that hamper their academic performance. Disabilities often manifest themselves through reading and writing difficulties that lead to academic failure.
Faculty experts will lead this First Friday Dialog discussion to help participants quickly identify the indicators of reading and writing difficulties exhibited by adult learners. Participants also will learn ways to assist students in the classroom and to advise them on matters of assistance, tutoring, and other services for academic success.
Presenters will be Mark Fulk, assistant professor of English, and Alfred Tatum, lecturer of elementary education and reading.
Lunch will be served; R.S.V.P. to Peggy Bristol, Project Success coordinator, at ext. 3515 or bristopa@buffalostate.edu by Tuesday, February 4.
The First Friday Dialog for March, "Students with Disabilities Talk to Faculty and Staff," will be held March 7.
the Bulletin |