the Bulletin |
Vol. XLVIII, No. 16 |
Responses to Senate Recommendations
In addition, the policy should (1)
permit flexible billing options, on a case-by-case basis, for students with financial
difficulties, to ensure that access to education is not denied due to the program costs and
(2) provide an appropriate waiver to those students with legitimate religiously based
objections to medical care and medical insurance.
The mandatory student health insurance policy should be implemented as a three-year
pilot program with yearly review, including the gathering of statistics describing
participation, utilization, and outcomes, and a yearly report to the Senate. After three
years, the Senate should review the program and recommend whether or not it
ought to continue.
I am pleased to accept the recommendations of the College Senate and hereby authorize
the implementation of a mandatory student health insurance policy as a three-year pilot
program. The vice president for student affairs will establish and administer the process
by which statistics describing participation, utilization, and outcomes are collected and
reported yearly to the Senate. The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs also
will be responsible for the administration of this policy, including the establishment of a
process to determine student eligibility for exemption from this requirement.
The Senate also voted to pass and forward to the president the following recommendation
regarding graduate faculty terms of appointment:
I accept the recommendation of the College Senate and hereby authorize the change in
policy to permit the term of appointment for tenure-track faculty and full-time lecturers to be increased from "one year or
less" to "up to three years." I also authorize the change in wording in the heading of item
C of Policy Number VI: 11:00 (Temporary Appointment) of the Directory of Policy
Statements (DOPS) to comply with this policy change.
New York State Budget
Because of actions taken in the fall, we are confident that we will be able to absorb the
reduction with no further impact on the current year's course offerings. The Buffalo State
Budget Office has been reviewing the college's budget daily to capture available
resources. This has enabled us to redirect funding to instructional programs, adding
courses to the spring schedule and relieving some of the OTPS (other than personnel
services) deficiencies created by the fall reallocations.
We intend to enter the next fiscal year with a plan that ensures the integrity of
instructional programmingour first priority. As this process unfolds, we will be
meeting with various campus groups to provide information, answer questions, and
receive suggestions.
The 10-course training program combines existing CyberQuad coursework with new
material that addresses site content, maintenance, promotion, and assessment. Faculty
and staff will receive credit for required courses already completed through CyberQuad
but are encouraged to repeat any module in the series.
Participants are welcome to take any or all of the courses. Those who complete all 10
courses (listed below) will be recognized with formal proof of participation. Faculty and
staff may review course descriptions and register online at
For more information about the Webmaster Training Program, contact Melissa Meehan
at meehanme@buffalostate.edu.
Webmaster Training Program Required Courses
Appreciation for Response to Tower 3 Fire
Many individuals' efforts, while unseen by most, contributed to the quick return to
normality. The Delaware Avenue Holiday Inn provided emergency hotel rooms and food
for displaced students on extremely short notice. Residence Life custodians helped clean the
rooms damaged by smoke and water, allowing students to return to Tower
3 as early as Sunday night. Members of the campus administration, including the chair of
the College Council, were on hand all weekend to assist students in dealing with the
many issues related to the fire. We are deeply grateful to all those who lent a hand
during this difficult period. Thank you.
College Senate Meeting
Student Welfare: Perri Litton (student), chair; Carol Beckley, co-chair; Cheryl
Albers; Musa Abdul Hakim; Richard Herdlein; Scott Johnson; Charles Newman;
Dennis Pfaffenbach; Timothy Ecklund, administrative liaison; Anand Perala,
Sherelle Baize, Hana El-Amin, Claudia Guirand, Keith Hurt, and Wanda Salas,
student representatives.
Academic Services: Marianne Savino, chair; Josephine Adamo; Melody
Carter-Neal; William Cran; Marie Ferraro; Simon Peter Gomez; Lin Xia Jiang; Ellen
Kennedy; P. Rudolph Mattai; Roswell Park IV; Thomas Reigstad; David Sawicki;
Anne Marie Sokol; Andrea Beckensall and Alexa Torres, student representatives.
New Courses:
Trustees' Designation/Social Science
Trustees' Designation/Non-Western Civilization
Trustees' Designation/Non-Western Civilization |
the Bulletin |