the Bulletin |
Vol. XLVII, No. 9 |
SEFA/United Way Campaign
We have a strong legacy of United Way support here at Buffalo State. Indeed, I felt very proud when the chancellor distributed a list of all SUNY campuses at a recent meeting of SUNY presidents and Buffalo State College ranked at the top of the list for rate of participation in SEFA/United Way. Among the 64 SUNY campuses, we are ranked No. 1 with a participation rate of 56.88 percent! As always, Buffalo State leads the way in supporting our friends, colleagues, and neighbors in Western New York.
New Courses:
Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace Policy
Employees must notify the Human Resource Management Office of any criminal conviction for a drug-statute violation occurring in the workplace or at a work site no later than five working days after such conviction. An employee so convicted shall be required to satisfactorily participate in a state-approved drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program as a condition of continuing employment.
Employees also are prohibited from alcohol use and are subject to penalties for alcohol-related impairment on the job.
Such illegal acts, even if engaged in while off duty, may result in disciplinary action. In those locations where it is permitted, an employee may possess and use a controlled substance that is properly prescribed for the employee by a physician. If a supervisor has a reasonable suspicion that an employee is unable to perform job duties because of a disability that may be caused by use of a controlled substance or alcohol, the employee may be required to undergo medical testing. If the cause of the disability is found to be drug or alcohol related, the personnel or employee relations officer, in conjunction with the employee's supervisor, may refer the employee to voluntary and confidential participation in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Other available options include pursuing disability leave procedures or disciplinary measures.
EAP is a free and confidential information and referral service available to all employees on campus. In addition to alcohol- and substance-abuse problems, EAP provides information and assistance with a variety of other concerns, such as child and elder care, financial matters, and nutrition and health. Call one of the following EAP coordinators for more information:
Questions regarding the Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace Policy should be referred to Emmanuel J. Hillery, employee relations manager, at ext. 4822.
SEFA/United Way Campaign Update
If you make a pledge and do not receive your raffle ticket(s) by Tuesday, October 23, call Susan Robson, customer service coordinator, Weigel Health Center, at ext. 3453.
Faculty and staff may nominate a graduating senior for consideration. Selection criteria include:
SUNY Chancellor's Award for Student Excellence
Nominations are being sought for this award. Candidates must be graduating seniors who have best demonstrated and been recognized for the integration of academic excellence with other aspects of their lives, including athletics, community service, creative and performing arts, entrepreneurship, leadership, or career achievement. Only undergraduate students graduating during the 20012002 academic year will be considered.
The nomination form for both awards is available here and from department chairs and directors beginning Friday, October 19. Nominations and supporting documentation must be forwarded to Phillip Santa Maria, associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students, Campbell Student Union 306, by Friday, November 30.
Graduate President's Medal and Chancellor's Award for Student Excellence recipients are selected in a separate process, administered by the Graduate Studies and Research Office.
The New York State Crime Victims Board has modified compensation benefits for victims of the World Trade Center attacks. Of particular note are compensation benefits for counseling and burial expenses, which have been significantly enhanced. The board's intention is to quickly and comprehensively provide monetary aid to World Trade Center victims and witnesses.
Faculty, staff, or students directly affected by the events of September 11 can obtain local assistance from the Erie County Victim/Witness Assistance Program. To discuss available compensation benefits, file a claim for compensation, receive local counseling referrals, or determine if other services might be needed, contact Jeffrey T. Ricketts, program coordinator, at 858-4640.
Special Project Success Program: Using Electronic Resources to Enhance Instruction for Students with Disabilities
The program will run from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 2 in the FAST Center, E. H. Butler Library 318. Instructors will be Dennis Mike, associate professor of exceptional education, and Melaine Kenyon, distance education coordinator.
Registration is limited to allow participants full access to equipment. R.S.V.P. to Peggy Bristol, Project Success coordinator, at ext. 3515 or bristolpa@buffalostate.edu by Friday, October 19.
Applications for spring 2002 programs are available in the Equity and Campus Diversity Office, Cleveland Hall 415. Applications will be considered in the order received. Projects will be considered for support contingent on the availability of funds. Early submission is advised.
The position vacancy template for mailings is now available in the Equity and Campus Diversity Office, Cleveland Hall 415, for a cost of $5 per package of 50.
College Senate Meetings
Program Revisions:
New Courses:
Course Revisions:
the Bulletin |