the Bulletin |
Vol. XLVII, No. 33 |
College Council Meeting
The Senate also approved the Teacher Education Council (T-E-C) bylaws, as well as the
Curriculum Committee's proposal for policy revision to Section IV of the Directory of
Policy Statements (DOPS). This proposal adds a new section, "Adding, Replacing, and
Removing Prerequisites from Courses."
1. Academic Calendars |
FALL SEMESTER | 20022003 | 20032004 | 20042005 |
Final | Tentative | Tentative | |
Orientation |
MondayWednesday Aug. 1921 |
MondayWednesday Aug. 18201 |
MondayWednesday Aug. 23251 |
Final Registration |
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Aug. 20, 22, 23 |
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Aug. 19, 21, 22 |
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Aug. 24, 26, 27 |
Classes Begin | Monday, Aug. 26 | Monday, Aug. 25 | Monday, Aug. 30 |
Labor Day (No Classes) | Monday, Sept. 2 | Monday, Sept. 1 | Monday, Sept. 6 |
Columbus Day (No Classes) |
Monday, Oct. 14 | Monday, Oct. 13 | Monday, Oct. 11 |
Veterans Day (No Classes) |
Monday, Nov. 11 | Tuesday, Nov. 11 | Thursday, Nov. 11 |
Thanksgiving Recess (No Classes) |
WednesdaySaturday Nov. 2730 |
WednesdaySaturday Nov. 2629 |
WednesdaySaturday Nov. 2427 |
Study Day | Friday, Dec. 6 | Friday, Dec. 5 | Friday, Dec. 10 |
Critique and Evaluation Period |
MondayThursday Dec. 912 |
MondayThursday Dec. 811 |
MondayThursday Dec. 1316 |
Final Day of Fall Semester | Thursday, Dec. 12 | Thursday, Dec. 11 | Thursday, Dec. 16 |
Emergency CEP Day | Friday, Dec. 13 | Friday, Dec. 12 | Friday, Dec. 17 |
1Given the planned use of the SABRE system, these dates may be expanded. |
INTERSEMESTER | 20022003 | 20032004 | 20042005 |
Final | Tentative | Tentative | |
Intersemester | Thursday, Jan. 2Friday, Jan. 17 | Friday, Jan. 2Friday, Jan. 16 | Monday, Jan. 3Friday, Jan. 21 |
Orientation |
TuesdayThursday Jan. 1416 |
TuesdayThursday Jan. 1315 |
TuesdayThursday Jan. 1820 |
Final Registration |
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Jan. 14, 16, 17 |
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Jan. 13, 15, 161 |
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Jan. 18, 20, 211 |
1Given the planned use of the SABRE system, these dates may be expanded. |
SPRING SEMESTER | 20022003 | 20032004 | 20042005 |
Final | Tentative | Tentative | |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No Classes) |
Monday, Jan. 20 | Monday, Jan. 19 | Monday, Jan. 17 |
First Day of Classes | Tuesday, Jan. 21 | Tuesday, Jan. 20 | Monday, Jan. 24 |
Presidents Day Recess (No Classes) |
Monday and Tuesday Feb. 17 and 18 |
Monday and Tuesday Feb. 16 and 17 |
Monday and Tuesday Feb. 21 and 22 |
Spring Recess (No Classes) |
MondaySaturday March 1722 |
MondaySaturday April 510 |
MondaySaturday March 28April 2 |
Study Day | Friday, May 2 | Friday, May 7 | Friday, May 6 |
Critique and Evaluation Period |
MondayThursday May 58 |
MondayThursday May 1013 |
MondayThursday May 912 |
Final Day of Spring Semester | Thursday, May 8 | Thursday, May 13 | Thursday, May 12 |
Emergency CEP Day | Friday, May 9 | Friday, May 14 | Friday, May 13 |
Commencement (tentative) | Saturday, May 10 | Saturday, May 15 | Saturday, May 14 |
Teacher Education Council (T-E-C) Bylaws
ARTICLE I - Purposes
ARTICLE II - Governance
ARTICLE III - Responsibility of the Council and Limitations on Authority
ARTICLE IV - Meetings
3. Adding, Replacing, and Removing Prerequisites from Courses
Adding, Replacing, and Removing Prerequisites from Courses (Amendment to
Section IV of the Directory of Policy Statements [DOPS]):
New Course:
Course Revisions:
Graduate Advisory Council
Judith Bondurant-Utz, Exceptional Education; Betty Cappella, Educational Foundations;
Marian Deutschman, Communication; Robin Harris, Earth Sciences and Science
Education; Hadar Isseroff, Biology, College Senate representative; Gerard Puccio,
Creative Studies; Edward Standora, Biology; Aimable Twagilimana, English, provost's
representative; and Mary Wyrick, Art Education.
At its first meeting April 1, the council reaffirmed the criteria for appointment to the
graduate faculty and recommended the establishment of a three-year appointment for
tenure-track faculty and faculty on multiple-year contracts. In addition, the council
reviewed a graduate course-repeat policy initially developed in 1998 and continues to
consider this matter. Other topics for this year include criteria for master's theses and
projects and the structure of the Advisory Council. Minutes of the council meetings will
be posted on the Graduate Studies Web site at www.buffalostate.edu/graduatestudies.
July 5
All departments authorized to close July 5 must prominently post notices to students and staff at
least two weeks in advance. As July 5 is not an observed holiday, classified and professional
employees who elect to take the day off must charge
appropriate annual leave accruals.
Certain deadlines apply. Some changes may result in higher or lower health insurance premiums.
Covered dependents who lose eligibility (i.e., a former spouse upon divorce or a child who turns
19 and is not a full-time student) may pay the full cost to maintain coverage through federal
COBRA provisions, but must do so within 60 days of the date coverage ends.
If any of the above changes occurs, promptly notify Human Resource Management to prevent
unnecessary arrears or overpayments, late-enrollment waiting periods, loss of coverage, or
misdirected mail. To report changes or to obtain further information,
contact the Human Resource Management Office, Cleveland Hall 410, ext. 4821.
Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher) or Netscape 4.7 (or higher) is necessary for online registration.
Enter the following information in the required fields:
If you have trouble registering online, send e-mail to reynolap@buffalostate.edu or call ext. 3361
and leave voice mail. Please include your name; your phone number; and the name, date, and
time of the class for which you wish to register.
SkillSoft E-Learning
More information about the SkillSoft E-Learning Program is available from the Human Resource
Management Web site, www.buffalostate.edu/offices/hr.
Employees also may register for courses on the site.
SkillSoft courses may be taken in CyberQuad from 9:00 a.m. to noon the first
Friday and from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month. This month's dates are May 3
and May 21. Registration is not required. A proctor will be available to assist and to answer
You must establish an account (username and password) with the Human Resource
Management Office to access SkillSoft courses. Contact Susan Earshen, director of human
resource management, at ext. 4821 or earshesj@buffalostate.edu.
EAP provides assistance with many kinds of problems,
including family, marital, medical, financial, legal, grief and loss, elder care, and
substance abuse. EAP does not provide direct therapy but serves as a link
between Buffalo State employees and skilled professionals in the community.
EAP is a neutral office, not associated with any disciplinary procedures, whose
services are designed to improve the quality of working families' lives.
The EAP coordinator must have a strong commitment to the goals of NYS EAP,
excellent interpersonal skills, a history of productive relationships with co-workers,
the ability to communicate with individuals and groups, interest in the
community and its services and resources, flexibility and willingness to learn, the
initiative and ability to work independently, and a strong sense of confidentiality.
The coordinator must attend training sessions, including monthly
regional trainings, as well as the five-day New Coordinator Institute and local EAP
committee meetings. Candidates also must have supervisory support and approval
to assume this role.
The coordinator reports to and works with the local EAP Committee to increase
awareness of EAP on site, expand referral services, and help coordinate activities
on campus.
Faculty members are strongly encouraged to apply. Interested individuals may
send a letter of interest and résumé to:
Linda J. O'Donnell, EAP Committee Chair
Approved Auxiliary Services Grants
Arts & Humanities Month, Emile Netzhammer, $8,600; Hispanic Heritage Month,
Daniel Velez, $4,500; Race, Religion, Rage: Conversations in Diversity,
Community, & Civility, Gail Wells, $3,000; Government Jobs Week, Lisa August,
$2,500; Proactive Approach to Alcohol Prevention, Ronald George, $2,500; School
Spirit: Not a Revolution, But an Evolution, Thomas Koller, $2,500; Union Bash,
David Milberg, $2,000; WNY Earth Day, Michael Davoli, $1,500; Leadership and
the Art of Stone Soup, Featuring Paul Wesselmann, Eileen Merberg, $1,500;
Chemistry Seminar Series, William Durfee, $1,000; Peace Pasta Dinner, Alice
Sullivan, $1,050.
Deadlines to submit program proposals for the 20022003 academic year are
September 20, 2002; December 6, 2002; and April 11, 2003. Proposals should
support the mission of the college and its strategic directions. Programs and events
funded must be open to all students, faculty, and staff at Buffalo State and result in a
direct educational experience. All Buffalo State students, faculty, and staff are
eligible to apply. Application packets are available in the Vice President for Student
Affairs Office, Cleveland Hall 513; the United Students Government Office,
Campbell Student Union 401; the Student Life Office, Campbell Student Union
400; and at the Student Union Information Desk.
College Senate Meeting
New Courses:
Course Revisions:
New Program:
Program Revision: |
the Bulletin