the Bulletin |
Vol. XLVII, No. 27 |
Student Research and Creativity Celebration Applications are available at www.rf.buffalostate.edu/rf/htm/schlor_creativity/ResearchCreativity_App.htm. Please return student presentation forms to Professor Jill Singer, Earth Sciences and Science Education Department, Science Building 352. Notification of acceptance will be forwarded to mentors by Friday, April 5. The fourth annual celebration will run Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27.
Pizzorno is the founding president emeritus of Bastyr University, the first fully accredited multidisciplinary natural health institution in the United States. He is also a member of the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy and a member of the Seattle/King County Board of Health. A licensed naturopathic physician, he the author of several books on natural medicine and total wellness. Both seminars will be held on Thursday, March 21 and are free and open to the public.
The Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cancer
Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Cancer, AIDS, Diabetes, and Autoimmune
Diseases: Are They Effective?
Michael K. Hawes, executive director of the Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program, is the keynote speaker. Also speaking are Frances Holmes, district director of the Immigration and Naturalization Services Buffalo District Office, who will present "Immigration Policies and Higher Education," and Mark Jubilus, director and assistant professor of political science at Gannon University and vice president of the chapter, who will present "How to Get a Fulbright." Other speakers include President Muriel Howard; Richard Lundquist, national president of the Fulbright Association; Ted Schwalbe, president of the chapter; and Jean Gounard, director of International Student Affairs and vice president for advocacy and a past president of the chapter. The program is free and open to the public. See www.buffalostate.edu/news/pressrelease.asp?prid=113 or contact Gounard at ext. 5331 or gounarjf@buffalostate.edu for more information.
Faculty and Staff Appeal 2002 Committee members are Dolores Battle, senior adviser to the president for equity and campus diversity; Jerry Boyes, director, Intercollegiate Athletics; Maryruth Glogowski, director, E. H. Butler Library, and interim director, Instructional Technology; Joan McCool, director, Counseling Center; Michaelene Meger, assistant professor, Exceptional Education; Karen O'Quin, associate dean, Faculty of Natural and Social Sciences; Rebecca Schenk, director, Budget; Lucy Schwartz, chair and professor, Modern and Classical Languages; and Rita Zientek, senior staff assistant, Teacher Certification. This year's campaign theme is "Making a Difference, Thanks to You." One of the goals is to increase the number of donors who contribute through payroll deduction. For more information or to download and submit a payroll deduction form, visit www.buffalostate.edu/offices/bscfound/facappeal.htm.
Anonymous HIV Testing Call ext. 6715 to schedule an appointment. No names or personal identification will be used or recorded.
College Senate Meetings
New Course:
Course Revisions:
Full- and part-time faculty, professional staff, and librarians whose total service in the College Senate would not exceed six consecutive years during the terms of office are eligible to run for these three-year terms. Names of nominees are due in the Senate Office, Cleveland Hall 417C, by noon Friday, April 12.
Senate Elections Those who wish to vote electronically must have an NT account (the account used for Outlook). If you do not have an NT account or have not used your NT account in some time, call the Help Desk at ext. 4357. Paper ballots will be tallied after electronic ballots; thus, if a member should accidentally vote twice, only the electronic vote will be recorded. Contact Sharon Cramer, ext. 4334 or cramersf@buffalostate.edu, or Lisa D'Addieco, ext. 5139 or daddielm@buffalostate.edu, with questions. We look forward to your participation in the vital process of campus governance.
Please take full advantage of this new resource. |
the Bulletin