the Bulletin |
Vol. XLVII, No. 31 |
CEURE Director Candidate Interview
Funds will be awarded during the fall 2002 and spring 2003 semesters. Applications will be available Monday, April 29 at the E. H. Butler Library Reference Desk. Applications for fall 2002 must be received in the Provost's Office, Cleveland Hall 519, by Friday, June 14. Applications for spring 2003 must be received by Friday, November 15.
For more information, contact Wanda M. Davis, associate vice president for undergraduate studies, at daviswm@buffalostate.edu.
Nominations will be accepted until Friday, April 26.
In addition, a new promotional publication will highlight the work of faculty and staff
involved in research to improve teaching and learning. In November 2000, Buffalo State produced an initial publication about the
scholarship of teaching and learning, featuring the work of nine faculty and staff
members. The booklet has been circulated to many campuses across the nation and is available on the college home page at
www.buffalostate.edu/about (in the "downloads" section at the bottom right corner of
the page) and on CASTL's home page at http://aahe.ital.utexas.edu (scroll down to the
"News" section).
The CASTL Advisory Committee is seeking three- to four-page submissions from
faculty and staff who would like their work to be considered for the second edition. Both
empirical work (quantitative or qualitative studies; measurement of learning,
achievement, or teaching effectiveness, etc.) and conceptual studies (educational
innovations, curriculum development, etc.) will be considered.
Submissions for the publication will be accepted through Friday, May 17.
Further information about the publication or the fellowships, application forms, and
criteria for selection are available through Buffalo State's CASTL Web site:
New databases include Columbia Granger's World of Poetry, Oxford English Dictionary, and PsycARTICLES. Trial databases include International Index to Music Periodicals Full Text, Kiplinger Finance & Forecasts, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, and Oxford Reference Online. Your comments are encouraged; please use the feedback forms provided with each database.
Look for your invitation this month to join the social club where fine dining and
comfortable gatherings will be part of the daily activities at Campus House. See www.buffalostate.edu/campushouse for more information.
EAP Coordinator Vacancy
EAP provides assistance with many kinds of problems,
including family, marital, medical, financial, legal, grief and loss, elder care, and
substance abuse. EAP does not provide direct therapy but serves as a link
between Buffalo State employees and skilled professionals in the community.
EAP is a neutral office, not associated with any disciplinary procedures, whose
services are designed to improve the quality of working families' lives.
The EAP coordinator must have a strong commitment to the goals of NYS EAP,
excellent interpersonal skills, a history of productive relationships with co-workers,
the ability to communicate with individuals and groups, interest in the
community and its services and resources, flexibility and willingness to learn, the
initiative and ability to work independently, and a strong sense of confidentiality.
The coordinator must attend mandatory training sessions, including monthly
regional training, as well as the five-day New Coordinator Institute and local EAP
committee meetings. Candidates must also have supervisory support and approval
to assume this role.
The coordinator reports to and works with the local EAP Committee to increase
awareness of EAP on site, expand referral services, and help coordinate activities
on campus.
Faculty members are strongly encouraged to apply. Interested individuals may
send a letter of interest and résumé to:
Linda J. O'Donnell, EAP Committee Chair
Purchase requisitions for computer equipment and equipment replacement requirements,
as well as purchases through Boise Cascade for office supplies and copier paper, also must adhere to these
deadlines. American Express (AMEX) cardholders should curtail card use after June 14. Please
plan accordingly.
Important note: It is the responsibility of departments to ensure that all requisitions for fiscal year
200102 are received in the Purchasing Office by the above deadlines. Late requisitions will not
be processed. Requests received through campus mail after the deadlines will be returned.
Call Marcia Slawinowski or Terri Locher in the Purchasing Office at ext. 4113 with questions.
College Senate Meeting
Course Revision:
Fred Cabrera, chair; John Frias, co-chair; Janet Aguet; Sherelle Baize; Jerry Boyes,
administrative liaison; Ignacio Corniel; Afrim Djonbalic; Cheryl Foster; Edward
Griffith; Anthony Hotchkiss, faculty representative; Ralph Mahoney; Joan McCool;
Justin Norton; and Ari Silverstein.
Those who wish to vote electronically must have an NT account (the account used for
Outlook). The election process can be accessed through the Senate Web site at
www.buffalostate.edu/orgs/senate using Internet Explorer version 5.5 or higher. Call the
HELP Desk at ext. 4357 for NT account or Internet Explorer assistance.
Contact Sharon Cramer, ext. 4334 or cramersf@buffalostate.edu, or Lisa D'Addieco, ext.
5139 or daddielm@buffalostate.edu, with questions. We look forward to your
participation in the vital process of campus governance. |
the Bulletin